My favorite artist is Craig Tracy and he practices his art in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The art on this page should have given it away. I should have known since I was attracted to Max factor makeup, used in the movie industry to correct facial colors and provide new dimension to faces for the film industry.

Pancake makeup, as it is called in the movie industry, is water-soluble, skin friendly and is meant for temporary use.

This is unlike tattoo ink, which is embedded in the body and remains for a lifetime. This art form which consists of using skin friendly colors applied directly to the body of a human being must be applied in one day, preserved for a lifetime by photography, and then destroyed before the model goes to sleep. For this, photography was also a keen interest of mine.

My first airbrush art and photography began more than 60 years ago. I painted people, but not like Craig does. In my estimation Craig Tracy is the foremost,imaginative artist of the 21st Century. I just love what he does!

Actually painting people is far superior than painting them on canvas or photographing them. He really paints people!

This page is a link to his site, where he shows you how he does it. He is a living and breathing artist and you may actually see him on the streets of New Orleans painting people at Mardi Gras time. Click on any picture for a real treat.  This web site is a convenience index, if you have more than just a smartphone or tablet you may go to Craig Tracy's home page here
