Barak, Glenn Beck, Fox
News, Mitt Romney, McCain, Sarah Palen, Joe Biden, Bite me, Bill
O'Reilly, Carly Fiorina, Barney Frank, Charlie Crist, Dave Ramsey, Eric
Holder, Harry Reid, Woodrow Wilson, Orrin Hatch, Nancy Pelosi, no spin
Eric Holder
What is really annoying about Holder's conduct is that he
shoots from the hip without careful study of the facts. He cannot
possibly have has enough time to have read the transcript of the trial
of the Oakland shooting before announcing a Federal retrial. Whatever
happened to double jeopardy? But then he declared the Arizona Senate
Bill 1070 to be unconstitutional without ever having read the
bill. He knew nothing about the Black Panther case which his own
prosecutor has already won by default and the judge simply asked DOJ to
write up an order, Then Holder ordered the prosecutor to
drop the charges. It makes one wonder if Holder ever took time to
read the Constitution when he went to law school. He certainly is
not trying very hard to maintain an appearance of fair and impartial
supervision of the Department of Justice.
Read about Eric Holder's Department of Social Justice.
I will be brief here, but I will be back!
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