My Personal Recollections
By Gilbert E. Davis
Avaiator Test Pilot
Designer Idaho
Flying Wing
Test Pilot

March 25, 2004

 To whom it may concern:

 The following concerns my insight into my bipolar disorder.

    I was involved in an experimental test aircraft accident 5/10/89 in
which I suffered significant spinal cord injury resulting in L1 paraplegia
and chronic back and leg pain.   My injury didn’t keep me from attend-
ing  classes at BSU.   I attended the fall 1991 term and the spring term
in 1992.   At this point, my GPA was high enough that I was on the
Dean’s List with Honors.   In the fall term of 1992, I started having
problems and by November my bipolar disorder was full blown.

    Since 1993 I have been hospitalized a number of times but it wasn’t
until my last time in the hospital that I took a class that helped me realize
that just taking my medication as prescribed was only part of what was
needed to keep my bipolar illness under control.   For the class at Western
State Hospital we listed the factors that were common to our hospital
placements.   In my case, it was frustration from lack of freedom and
money, two or three nights without sleep, and anger.   Since my discharge
from the Western State Hospital, more than four years ago, I have learned
to live with limited freedom, little money, overcame my anger problem,
get my sleep every night, take my medication, and avoid psychosocial
stressors.   This method of dealing with my bipolar disorder has been very
successful as there has not been a relapse in more than four years.


Gilbert E. Davis



1.    anger or irritability
2.    decreased need for food and sleep
3.    euphoria-increased sociability
4.    finding it difficult to stay on one idea
5.    checkbook doesn’t balance-can’t handle money
6.    impulsive actions-lack of planning
7.    grandiosity-exceptional confidence
8.    racing thoughts
9.    loud rapid speech
10.    lack of judgment


1.    avoid anger
2.    eat regular meals
3.    exercise each day
4.    take medication as prescribed
5.    do something meaningful each day
6.    have a support team
7.    personal responsibility
8.    self advocacy
9.    avoid settings and people that are toxic
10.    sleep every night
11.    live within one’s means
12.    avoid psychosocial stressors
13.    plan so as to have maximum freedom

Drawing of the Davis Stratocruiser Gemini, a larger version of the original wing
capable of carrying two persons.

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