Getting out of high school
was an
opportunity for change, the bullfight scene was another, and
then there was roller skating. One night there was a new girl at the
rink. She
was a strong skater in a skating skirt with very good fast moves. I was
and asked her to skate all night long. We were pretty good together. I
by her body development that she was older than me.
“How old do you think I am?” “21?” “(laughs)” “Do you have a car here?” “(laughs) No.” “Can I give you a ride home?” “Sure.” She liked my convertible. The
was down. It was June. The night was warm, but she sat close. She
directed me
to her house. We parked and then we kissed. I was hooked. Then I found
out she
was 14 years old. Then I found out her father was an Army Super Master Sergeant and very strict and verbal. Toni was young but she had
around, literally around the world. She had lived in Japan and Germany
and had
traveled Europe and had done things that were beyond my experience. I asked her to go to Church with me, the litmus test for
being compatible with the rest of my life.
She had to go with her folks to the Baptist Church. Fine, I’ll go with
you; now
how about going with me? Our courtship blazed through the summer and it
nearing the time for her to go to school. I taught her everything I
could about
the Mormon Church. She
liked it and was impressed with my knowledge of
religion. Toni was a strong willed girl
a strong willed father. Their clashes had been violent in the past and
mother was unstable. Toni wanted me and she wanted out. I wanted her
and it was
my first experience with someone who really wanted me and needed me.
She would
be 15 in September. In Texas that is old enough to be married with
consent. In New Mexico you could get married at 15 with no parental
consent. We couldn’t keep our hands
off of
each other and we were very close to doing something we would regret so
we made
our move. “Chuck, I respect you very much and would hope for your
blessings for
our marriage. I am asking your permission so we don’t have to go to New
Mexico.” He smiled. He liked my style.
became good friends and Toni and I were married on the 16th of
September. I baptized Toni into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints
on the 24th of September. We took a honeymoon to
New Mexico and stayed overnight in an unheated cabin at the top of the
Toni’s period started that day. We walked in the snow for about five
and then stayed wrapped in blankets together for the rest of the time.
My dad
had taken me aside and in his shy way offered me a few condoms with the
suggestion that we might want to hold off having children for a while
and to
make sure I don’t rush her, she needs time to get ready. I found out
you could
wash the condoms and powder them with talc and use them about six times
you couldn’t roll them anymore. I would save them in a mason jar and
dry and
roll them every few days. It was a way to keep track. We didn’t pass up
opportunities. It was our favorite thing to do. We got a little tiny
apartment in
a residential mansion, with
the bathroom across the hall. We ate chili beans and
hominy until we learned how to cook other things. I was closer to work
didn’t have to chase around town so much. Even though it was crowded in
apartment I had time to work on my Correspondence Television Repair
Part of the course was to build a television set. Every time I
completed a
section of the manual they would send me a bag of parts to install. One
they would send me a picture tube and I would have a television set but
furniture around it. It was a little bit of an eyesore throughout
and use. I had a gift. In the Mormon
the man holds the priesthood and is entitled to the blessings of heaven
for his
family if he is faithful to his covenants. My gift was prophesy. It
became a
problem for Toni on several occasions. One day I woke up and started to
That day I saw in my mind my beautiful convertible smashed in the front
end. I
instructed Toni not to drive the car under any circumstances. That day
rear-ended a Buick across town. She had trouble accepting a husband’s
just as she had problems with her father. The repairs were quite costly
rather than have the front end chrome replaced, I only replaced the
bumper and
had the front scoop filled in and smoothed over. And I painted it
robin’s egg
blue. There would be two other very similar incidents in the future. One Sunday at Church, a stranger came looking for me
and said he was my cousin from Tucson. He
was from some branch of the family I hadn’t met yet. He was looking for
with electronics education, did I know anybody? “No, but I know a
little. How much do you have to know?” “Let me give you a test and
see.” I did very well on the test
and he
made me an offer that more than doubled my current salary at the
newspaper. I
was in my fifth year of my six year apprenticeship. One more year and I
work anywhere in the country on a moments notice at a very handsome
wage. I
would have been a journeyman in every sense of the word, for printers
loved to
travel and seniority means next to nothing in the trade. I could have
into any town and worked the first day. It was a tough decision. I
seen electronic automation change the nature of newspaper publishing. I
that in a few years the skills of hot metal composition would be phased
out and
new techniques would be taken over by non-union labor. I was studying
my future
and it seemed to have a dead end further down the track. I looked at
the people
I worked with and thought, “There I am for the next 30 years.” I was
excited. The new job would consist of
weeks of intensive electronics training and then a job of flight line
for Douglas Aircraft installing and testing the electronic systems
before the
planes were turned over to the Air Force. Planes were assembled in Long
with enough controls to fly by the seat of the pants to Tucson where
the plane
could be finished and flight tested in a climate that had more sunshine
daily test flights. I would also have the joy of
seeing El Paso in my rear view mirror. Everybody thought I was crazy
quit and leave the printing trade and leave El Paso. Before I knew it,
I was
packed and on my way to Tucson. I was re-inventing myself once more. Things seemed to work out
pretty well.
I was introduced to another distant cousin who owned an eight unit
apartment on
the north side of Tucson, close to the Rillito Racetrack, and about
three miles
from my grandmother’s ancestral home. That would be Binghamton, where
family had a dairy. My cousin, Richard Harris, made me manager of the
which reduced my rent. Being Mormon has the advantage of having an
community wherever you go. Just show up, accept a calling, and it’s
like you’ve
been there all your life. The school was great. I had a
chance finally to discuss the technology I had been learning privately.
comfort level with technology was greatly enhanced. Within six weeks we
out on the flight lines climbing in and out of RB-66 Reconnaissance
putting things together. My job was to test and inspect the spy
cameras, and
clean them. We worked at night to avoid the combined heat of the
engines and
Arizona weather. Then, one day, bad news. I
something about government contracts. Contracts are renewed
periodically and
sometimes they go to other companies or divisions. The hiring of all
employees was speculative and we were all out of a job. We got the word
Friday night and I had about 36 hours to worry about it. Sunday morning, my Elders
president, Richard Smith, asked me if I got cut. He told me to show up
at his
office at 7 AM on Monday. He was the personnel manager for Hughes
They were building Falcon missiles for the Air Force on the property
next to
the Douglas plant. He told me to show up at the manufacturing plant the
day and pick up a temporary badge at the gate. “Wear a white shirt and
tie at
all times even though other technicians at your grade level may be
down.” I couldn’t believe it! I got
increases in pay in two months and I had transitioned from blue collar
to white
collar almost overnight. I saw two other guys from my Douglas class but
were dressed like mechanics. Each of us were assigned to a different
and my supervisor began to break me in on the job and gave me some
books to
read. I was immediately made a quality control inspector and had
authority to
shut down production in my area if I suspected problems in the assembly
procedure. This was pretty heady stuff for a 20-year-old kid with no
Good things were happening and I was moved around until I had learned a
deal about guided missiles. Howard Hughes was one of the
interesting people I learned a great deal about but never met face to
face. If
you were an employee, you learned to love the man. If you only read the
about him you would have thought him a most peculiar kook. He loved
flying and
designed many planes. The first plane he designed and built was copied
by the
Japanese and used at Pearl Harbor. It was the Zero. It was cheap and
fast, made
fast by a new type of flush rivet that made the plane more aerodynamic.
Hughes almost
always tested his own planes and set speed records with many of them. He also made movies and
Jane Russell as a sex symbol, even designing her cantilevered bra. When
viewers saw the film, The Outlaw, they were
aghast and said it was awful. He then invited
ministers and other keepers of the virtue and quoted them in
advertisements. He
let the film sit in the can for three years. When he released it to the
it was the film that couldn’t be made. It was an instant hit and
outsold Gone With the Wind, even in Georgia. In later years he would
the mob and clean up Las Vegas. The strip would not be what it is today
the influence of Howard Hughes. He virtually eliminated prostitution in
the big
casinos and improved employee working conditions. He had been seriously injured
in a
plane crash and as a result of his burns developed many health issues
for which
he hired body guards or ‘handlers’. Being secretive about many of his
he needed people he could absolutely trust. He asked J. Edgar Hoover,
the FBI
chief, how to find trustworthy men. Hoover told him about his own
Elders. I later met one of these Elders that worked for Hughes while
a Church building in North
Hollywood. He wouldn’t tell me what he
did, but I found out he was Jeanne Peters personal bodyguard after her
divorce from Hughes. In addition to her generous annual support from
Hughes, she
asked for one of his special men. The man she picked had a wife and
teenage daughters. Both he and Jeanne Peters kept their mouth shut and
not talk about Hughes at all. One day all the Hughes
received a one sheet letter from Hughes printed on both sides. In the
letter he
outlined the proceedings of a major policy speech by Mao Tse Tung,
that’s the
way they spelled it then. In the speech, Mao set out the world plan for
communism in five year increments. Five year plans were the way they
score. It talked about moving to Africa and which countries were to be
converted down to South Africa; which was about as right wing as Adolph
at the time. It talked about guerilla warfare in South and Central
ending up about 50 years out with the whole world getting grossed out
with the
materialism of the United States. I kept that letter for about 15 years
until I
lost it in a move. It was so right on, it was scary. Back at home I had another
prophetic episode and I told Toni that driving the car was no problem
just don’t take the dog with you. We had a little Pomeranian that was
hyperactive. After work, as I turned into the driveway I noticed a
cactus with a chunk gouged out. Sure enough, the right front fender and
headlight of the convertible had been wiped out. She took the dog and
it jumped
across her lap in the turn and she couldn’t straighten out in time.
Toni didn’t
trust my advice. |