I forced myself to keep
coming to
Church. At first it was a contest to see who blinked first. Toni lost.
stopped coming to Church. Now I could glean all the sympathy. I began to seek partners
of my Church circle and went to the YWCA USO dance for diversion. I
wasted no
time. I walked in and danced with Dixie first, she was the tallest; and
danced with the others. Sometimes I went back to Dixie, she was very
nice. One night I met Gloria
Garcia, a
very lovely girl who had beautiful, dark, wide set eyes. Since I had a
crush on
Jane Russell, this was a feature I noticed immediately. In our
conversations I
discovered that she was Mormon and so invited her to go to Sunday
meetings with me. Her uncle was the Bishop of the Spanish Speaking
Ward. I was
young and had no problems with cross cultural relations. She was a very
person. We attended Sunday evening meetings together and raised so many
eyebrows that even I was concerned. Gloria felt very vulnerable and
uneasy and
I realized that even the Mormons in El Paso were not ready for that
even though
some of them were descended from the Mormons in the Mexican Colonies. And then there was Ernestine
Hatch; she
was an Anglo from Colonia Juarez, a Mormon colony about 120 miles south
of the
border. She was older that me but really enjoyed the company of men.
Will and I
and some of the other servicemen enjoyed her company and partied at her
on many occasions. She was a good dancer and a good listener, very
and was an anesthesiologist at the big hospital in town. She invited
Will and I
to go down to her ancestral home in the colonies where we had a very
nice time.
There we rode real working horses on the ranch in a beautiful natural
uncluttered by civilization. I saw her on a television documentary made
in 1997
about the colonies. It was obvious she had never married. She certainly
close relations with men and everyone loved her, but she stayed true to
faith and was a spinster into her 80s. I had three weeks of leave
that I was going to lose if I didn’t take it. Will had raved about San
Francisco and a singles ward that was really great. He convinced me I
take a break and clear my head. I was on my way to meet
perfect woman with a written introduction from Will. She was April
Aaron, a
truly outstanding person. In San Francisco I would meet a cast of
that would have made a great film. I had a list of numbers and the
first one
was for a place to stay. It was Wednesday, the night of the Singles MIA
at Church. Basically it
was a dance. I went to the address Will had given me and
said Dick would know me. Dick was not there, but some guy let me in,
showed me
the refrigerator and suggested a place over there to sleep. Then he had
to go
out. See you tonight at Mutual he said. I had fallen into a coven of
bike messengers and the leader had a three wheel motorcycle that I
would see
for the next two weeks screaming through San Francisco on two wheels at
intersections. He did not use a horn because he had a great tenor voice
would echo through the canyons of San Francisco. “Yahoo!” Now that I
about it, he just might have been the inspiration for the name of the
Yahoo web
site. San Francisco is so like that. Bike messengers are revered, they
made a movie about bike messengers, Quicksilver. April was not there that
night but
I would meet her later and prove that Will was right. She was a great
and a wonderful person. I danced with everybody and someone offered to
show me
the city and I accepted. She lived at the ‘Jackson House’ on Jackson
Street of
course; which was the
female equivalent of the bike messenger
coven I was living in on Oak Street. In the three weeks I was in San
Francisco, I
met a lot of people and had a different date every night I was there.
Every day,
from the first night, I met
someone I knew on the streets of San Francisco. This
was a big city that seemed more like a village where everyone knows
else. I would also be reminded of April for years to come. The following United Press
appearing all over the country was also reprinted in The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball who became the President and Prophet
of the Mormon Church. “I would
he must be suffering, anybody like that, we ought to feel sorry for
him,” said
April Aaron of the man who had sent her to a hospital for three weeks,
following a brutal San Francisco knife attack. April Aaron is a devout
22 years of age….She is a secretary who’s as pretty as her name but her
has just one blemish – her right eye is missing,…April lost it to the
slashing knife of a purse snatcher, near San Francisco’s Golden Gate
Park while
en route to an MIA dance last April 18. She also suffered deep slashes
on her
left arm and right leg during the struggle with her assailant, after
tripped and fell in her efforts to elude him just one block from the
chapel…” “I ran for
block and a half before he caught me. You can’t run very fast in high
April said with a smile. Slashes on her leg were so severe doctors
feared for a
time it would need amputation. The sharp edge of the weapon could
neither April’s vivaciousness, nor her compassion. “…I wish that
somebody could
do something for him, to help him. He should have some treatment. Who
what leads a person to do something like this? If they don’t find him,
likely to do it again.” “…April Aaron has won
the hearts of the people in San Francisco Bay area with her courage and
spirit in face of tragedy. Her room at St. Francis hospital was banked
flowers throughout her stay and attendants said they couldn’t recall
anyone received more cards and expressions of good wishes.” I knew that my next big goal
to get myself a Bay Area address. I loved this place. Back to the time line.
Getting out
of the service was a real high. I had almost two months pay in my
pocket and
the proceeds from my Volkswagen bug and some cash that Chuck owed me
for the
truck and TV test equipment. I had ordered a brand new white, 1960
four-door Chevy Corvair with gas heater and fold down rear seats. I
paid cash
and picked it up in Detroit on my way to Ilion, NY. I had been in the Army for
three years and never traveled
more than 100 miles from home on Army orders. I
requested that my termination orders were to cover me for my trip to
New York.
This allowed me to take hops;
which was like hitchhiking on government
planes. I had tried to get a high altitude certificate;
which would have allowed me to ride fighter jets, but my ears would
not accommodate. I went out to the airport in El Paso and looked for a
going east or north. This was going to be a big adventure. My first
plane was a
passenger DC3 to San Antonio that I shared with some generals. Now I
was in the
military grid. My next plane was to Indianapolis on a cargo DC3 sitting
sideways and seeing the ground through the gap at the bottom of the
cargo door.
I sat on a parachute and froze my buns. I then went to the closest bus
to get to Detroit. The fun adventure came to an end. I was a day early getting to
Detroit and my car was not ready. They said to hang around and they
would find
one. I was so thrilled. It was a beautiful little car, rear engine with
a flat six
cylinder configuration similar to the Volkswagen bug I had been
driving. I
started towards New York just before rush hour and the car was so
smooth and
fast. The speedometer had 160 mph as the top speed. I worried about
getting a
ticket getting out of town but the traffic seemed to move around me. I
got to
Buffalo and it was dark. I decided to keep going even though it had
started to
snow. It was late February and there was a lot of snow on the edge of
freeway. I was glad I had the engine over the rear wheels. That seemed
like the
best configuration for snow. And then it happened. No traction, I was
sideways and turning the wheel did nothing. I was headed for the edge
of the
freeway and I went over and down, into a drift and I stopped. My brand new car! The
displayed 200 miles. Now I was glad I had a gas heater. I could cut the
and the gas heater would keep me from freezing to death. Wrong, the
engine had
to be running for the fuel pressure to run the gas heater. There was no
on the freeway now. No cars coming by to find me. I could not get the
open. I was surrounded by snow. After what seemed like forever, I saw
flashing lights and the tow truck pulled me out. When I got to Ilion I had the
checked out. Everything was okay except for the speedometer. It was
not miles. They got my car out of the Canadian lot. The UNIVAC school
was in a 100-years-old brick building next to the
Remington Arms factory that
was much older. Guns used in the Civil War had been manufactured there. New York was quite different
anyplace I had lived before. I could hardly understand the locals. A
few miles
short of Ilion, I decided to have a bite to eat in a little town called
Frankfort. There was no restaurant or drive-in, only a tavern that
appeared to
serve food. Well, I don’t drink but I suppose I could eat the food in a
There were a few tables and a lunch counter so I sat at the counter. I
it would be safe to have a hamburger since you cannot mess that up too
“I’ll have a hamburger, please.” “You mean a hamburg?” “No, a hamburger.” “We don’t have that.” “Then I’ll have what you just
said.” “Are you sure?” “Uh, yeah.” What she brought me was a
breakfast sausage patty between two pieces of Wonder Bread
on a white plate. If you picked up the bread too rapidly there might be
a ring
of sausage stuck to the plate with a ring of grease soaked Wonder Bread underneath. I
never found a hamburger on a bun with
lettuce and tomato while I was in this part of the country. After
school, when
I left Ilion, I watched the road until I could identify a place where
they had
real hamburgers. During the four months I was
New York, I met two young ladies who occupied my time. I was on the
lookout for
someone to be a mother to my daughter. One of the young ladies I met at
Church in Utica;
which was the closest LDS meeting place. Her name was Orpha
Merrick. She lived in Jordanville, near Cooperstown, home of the
Baseball Hall
of Fame. She was sweet and a faithful member of the Church but I think
father was not a member. Dating was very deliberate. It was not like
in and hanging out. The trip from my town to hers was a winding
mountain road
and a diagonal run of country road that was really a series of right
turns following the section lines of rectangular dairy farms. I used to
like to
drive fast in the turns, something I learned from running sand dunes in
the El
Paso desert with a Volkswagen bug. It was my adrenaline rush. I spun
the car
out of a turn once coming home from Jordanville and it slowed me down a
bit. We
spent a lot of time parked and necking and talking and I could see she
hungry to see the world and leave her isolated existence. Near the end
of my
stay, a new young man came to Church and in a few minutes I knew they
were for
each other. I recommended that they get together and they did. A few
later they were married. I met another local girl in
drugstore where I took my evening meal. She was trolling among the
students for a serious relationship. We went dancing at the Wishing
Well, a
tavern about ten miles away; and she invited me for dinner to meet her
folks. I
tried my best to be charming but her father was not softening. He
learned I was
a Mormon, was divorced and had a four-year-old daughter, and wanted to
go out
west to live. He wasn’t impressed with me. That was okay with her, she
wanted to get out of town and see the world. One night when we were
necking on
the way back from the Wishing Well, she told me she was a virgin but
willing to give it a try. I was a little flustered. I had successfully
having sex with anyone other than my lawfully wedded wife and really
want to compromise myself. But, it was tempting. We thought about it
for a
while and then went home, making a date for the next evening at my room
the school. I lived in a glassed-in porch on the front of a two story
near the school. The landlady was deaf. It was spring and the days were
longer and the fireflies were out when she walked up to my house. I was
and she came in quietly. I had only one chair in the room and so we lay
on the
bed and talked. I forgot what we talked about but the end result is
that I
decided we should not be intimate and we should call it quits for the
betterment of both of us. She cried and left. I had mixed emotions. She
pretty and I liked her, but it was the wrong time. At graduation time,
I heard
that she was marrying one of my classmates, a coarse New Jersey foul
mouth that
I didn’t particularly like. I felt bad, she deserved better. These two girls were the
of a string of coincidences. Every girl I dated from this time on would
the next man she met. In many cases I would introduce them to each
other. This was a time of discovery
me in the way of entertainment. I had the opportunity to see some
entertainers in Utica, Syracuse, and Schenectady. I saw Spike Jones and
City Slickers with Doodles Weaver, Louie Armstrong and his big band,
Borge, and Andre Segovia. I was very impressed with
He was in his late 60s when I saw him in a high school auditorium. The
was bare except for a wooden chair. He walked out and sat and waited
for ten
minutes for the audience to stop shuffling and coughing. He did not use
microphone and for the next two hours, nobody coughed. Everyone thought
might be his last performance. He went on to play and record for
another 20
years after that. He was truly the greatest. I was at the top of my class
really understood the new technology of digital computers and the
mechanics of
tape machines, card readers and punches, and programming. My head was
with new stuff that I couldn’t have gotten in any college. The new
ferractors instead of vacuum tubes and gas thyrotrons to fire the print
hammers. The head of the class has his choice of assignments. I chose
Francisco and disappointed some guys who also coveted that area. I didn’t exactly go to San
Francisco but it was close; my supervisor had an office there. I went
Oakland, to install one of
our largest computers in the Oakland
Kaiser Center overlooking Lake Merritt. I got a studio apartment with a
fold down bed on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley about four blocks from
the edge
of the UC campus. On my way to Oakland, I
through El Paso to get the rest of my belongings. I noted on the way
that all
the girls were pretty in Indiana, at least those working cafes along
highway. I didn’t have much to pick up to take to California. I had
bought a
tape recorder and had built some speakers while in Ilion; which got me
from my first landlady who didn’t like the smell of paint and sawdust
in her
basement. My next landlady was deaf and didn’t live in the same part of
house as my room so I could fire up the new speakers.
The installation went well
there was nothing to do but sit in the parts room waiting for something
break. I decided to try my hand at programming to make some programs
that would
allow me to adjust the printers and the card punch. There were no
programs for the hardware and no operating system. The boot program had
to be
keyed in by hand to read a card in the reader; which was in binary, so
another card in hollerith
could read the rest of the program in. On top of that
inconvenience, when the computer was turned off you had to wait 30
minutes for
the program drum to stop spinning before re-applying the power. Programming was very
There were no compilers for Cobol or Fortran in 1961. The UNIVAC SS-80
did not
have core or Random Access Memory. Each program step was written as a
word on the rotating drum. Each program step also had to have the drum
of the next instruction to be executed. By the time a program step
could be
completed several words would pass under the heads of the drum so you
had to
scatter the program around the drum and keep track on a tally sheet
locations had been used. Programming was very tedious and slow and
subject to
many errors that could crash or severely slow down execution. But let’s talk about the fun
I had no intention of marrying anyone who was not a Mormon and I now
lived in
the hotbed of available candidates. Bay Ward was in San Francisco and
University of California Berkeley Student Ward was just across the
campus from
my apartment. Not all the members of that ward were students; in fact,
were the least desirable dates because of their class load and study
Singles from all over the East Bay came looking for mates.
I dated several other girls
would challenge my resolve to remain chaste. One was not a problem to me
raised a great curiosity. She was blind, not completely, but would be
soon; and
she was training in the Oakland School for the Blind just up the street
Telegraph Avenue. She had diabetes and a degenerative retina condition
by a blow to the head that would make her completely blind in the next
months. I had a great deal of admiration for her. She would put on
goggles to further complete her blindness and would navigate all over
using a stick. She was learning to read and write Braille. She even
learned to
use power tools in a woodshop. She told me of some of the abuses at the
Some of the sighted staff members would take advantage of their extra
sense to
peep on the girls in the showers at the school. They also took
advantage of
their need for affection. She allowed me to use her goggles and stick
navigate the neighborhood and gave me tips about hearing doorways and
obstacles. It was an interesting education; but I am glad I am not
blind. I am
a little deaf in my old age, but it is more of a burden on people
around me. I
sometimes enjoy turning off the sound completely.
We shopped for a ring, a deep
Lindy star sapphire in a white gold solitaire mount. It was
inexpensive, but
unusual. I called my mother and made arrangement for us to fly in and
meet the
family. Janet was very good with my daughter and I knew this was a good
We took some pictures with the family, especially Janet with Dee. Mormons marry in the temple
time and all eternity. Toni and I had only been married by a bishop in
a civil
ceremony. Janet and I wanted to be married in the temple. The Oakland
had recently been dedicated and we started to get our temple recommends
our Bishops. No one can enter the temple if they have some indiscretion
have not repented of. Janet called and said there
something we had to talk about. I picked her up at her parents home in
Hill. We drove a few miles away and stopped the car to talk. Her Bishop
her to put off the wedding for six months in order to complete her
for an indiscretion she had with another person at about the time we
first met.
I was in shock! I wept openly. My emphasis on haste did not take
anything like
this into account. I loved her anyway and could forgive her, but I
could not
wait. I knew she felt really bad
shamed and we were not communicating in a way that would allow us to
from this. I lost her that night. I wished it had not been that way.
She would
have been a perfect wife and mother. I told my mother what had
and she offered to bring Dee out to visit with us. It was spring and
there was
a leadership conference at the Tri-Stake Center next to the Oakland Temple.
We saw the blind girl taking notes with her Brailler and her new golden
retriever guide dog. That weekend there was a picnic for the Ward at
Temescal. I introduced Janet to my good friend Steve Kovacitch. They
would be
married in the next year in the temple, have two children, both serving
mission. I am a good futurist and
that IBM was cleaning up on UNIVAC. They had introduced a new computer
transistor logic and Random Access Memory made of ferrite cores and
sequentially executed programs that were character based and about
twice the efficiency
of UNIVAC. They also had a good program assembler called Autocoder. The
computer was the IBM 1401, the printer was the IBM 1403 band printer;
which did
not need adjustment to keep the characters from bobbing up and down on
print line. This computer model family would totally dominate the
world for the next 10 years. Some of the Autocoder programs would still
running as emulations 25 years from that time. I was correct in my
that UNIVAC did not know what to do to compete. I began looking for a
job and
found a division of
General Dynamics that was involved with a device
called a charactron tube.
This was like a TV tube but instead of
scanning dots it would actually shape the electron beam through a
stencil and
place complete characters on the face of the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT).
They had
developed a printing system that could print on paper at 6,000 lines
per minute
using Xerox copier technology or print on microfilm much faster. They
planned to use the tube to mark radar scopes with flight identification
for air traffic controllers. I was hooked on technology and was hired.
I had to
move to San Diego for training. The training was excellent
and I
had ready access to some of the best logic and CRT engineers in the
San Diego was also a beautiful place to live with three climates:
beach, mesa,
and desert. I wouldn’t mind staying here for a while. Of course, I went to Church here and met some lovely ladies. One was a very attractive Danish girl who I dated for a few weeks. I introduced her to my new friend John Huish and that was the last time I dated her. A year later they were married. |